Thanks for participating in the Beta Test of Sosaria Mod for Ultima III. Unlike past improvements I’ve made, this is the first that goes beyond a simply technical nature and attempts to improve world lore and narratives. Your feedback is appreciated so that this mod can be shaped into a work that is representative of Ultima.
- Download the U3 Upgrade v3.3 beta.
- Install the mod with the following procedure:
- Unpack it in a clean Ultima 3 folder (no previous upgrade version):
- Apply the patch from the command line using one of the following options:
- For Windows: “binpatw u3up-33.pat”
- For Linux: “binpatl u3up-33.pat”
- Within DOSBOX: “binpat u3up-33.pat”
- Update the cycles property of your dosbox.conf to read at least cycles=3000
- Update the autoexec section of your dosbox.conf to call “ lolb”
- To run the original game, just run “” with no additional parameters.
- Play the game! The beta package includes a saved game that’s capable of completing the end-game as well as a frigate near Britain. Please try the following:
- Locate the towns and dungeons
- Navigate the moongates
- See if you can find Dawn
- If you have the time and interest, feel free to play from beginning to end.
- Review the World Guide, intended to be a companion to the mod that adapts some lore and creates some new backstories for the towns.
- Lastly, once you feel you have a good sense of the mod, please answer a few questions. Your feedback is tremendously helpful in ensuring this is a great end product.